januari 28, 2022
The 2021 Ranald MacDonald Award has been granted to the reconstruction of the Chinese History Museum in Lytton, B.C., Canada, which was destroyed by wildfire. Exceptionally, American fire historian Stephen J. Pyne will receive an oeuvre award for his unabating, groundbreaking and fine work on mankind and fire.
Press release here
The award ceremony, earlier postponed due to the pandemic, will now take place on the worldwide web at 17 hrs (CET) on Thursday, 3 February, 2022.
Invitation here
‘Friends of MacDonald • The Dutch Connection’ —a Cultural Public Benefit Organisation— tries to advance our insight into relations between Asia, Europe and North America. Its major activity is to grant the Ranald MacDonald Award to a first work by a writer or artist shedding new light on those relations. The prize amounts to 5,000 Euros and is awarded every October 11.
In the menu on the left you will find general information about the foundation; in the right-hand menu more details are given about Ranald MacDonald.
Everybody is invited to nominate any work suitable for the award. In the left-hand menu under NOMINATIONS & CRITERIA you will find more information about how to do that and the assessment criteria used for a nomination. The board of the foundation forms the jury of the prize.
The red dots on the world map at the top of this site specify important places in Ranald MacDonald’s life. Click the dots for additional information about those places. Behind the blue dot, which is the Netherlands, you will find information about the country’s indirect involvement with MacDonald’s sojourn in Japan.